Fees & Payment
Deadlines Fees [For Participants Summer School only]
- Early Registration from 2017, September 1st to 25th: 125 Euro
- Late Registration, from 2017, September 26th: 140 Euro
- Closing Registrations & Payments: 2017, October 5th.
- Poster (50x70 or 70x100 ONLY): 30 Euros [already printed. See also Language & Presentation]. It is not a session. The posters will be displayed only. But the author is free to explain it to the participants, out sessions.
- Free fees: PhD and M2 Students from Lille University, Retired Scholars, UFR de Physique/CECILLE/CIREL/STL Members.
The Summer School Fees (125 or) 135 Euros (for Registered-Paying Participants Status) include:
- Two Days ISSHPSE-2017 International Summer School Enrolment.
- Refreshments & Coffee break, Two days Summer School.
- One lunch (2017, 11st October at the Lille University venue)
- Summer School Materials & Facilities.
- Certificate of Summer School Attendance.
- Helpdesk Reception.
- Welcome Cocktail in Lille [in progress]
- Web Assistance.
- The accommodation and transport are not included. It is up to the participant. Please see here our suggested hotels in Lille at special price.
Important For Payments
- All payments (registrations and posters) to the Summer School should be made (mandatory) via bank transfer and respecting payment deadlines before the Summer School start date.
- Inter-Divisional Teaching Commision (IDTC)
- Please Transfer Fees to IDTC (see below) and email to IDTC Treasurer & Secretary: Dr. Gianna Katsiampoura (National Hellenic Research Foundation, Greece)
BANK: National Bank of Greece
IBAN: GR4401107190000071970325875
After you have made your registration & payment, it is mandatory to send via e-mail your confirmation (scan-details of the payment, C.R.O., etc.) to:
Gianna Katsiampoura (IDTC) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
[and copy to:] Raffaele Pisano (IDTC) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
For Registration Participats ONLY see direct link here