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Professor / Accademia-Lincei Annibale Mottana [Lecturer International Summer School, Italy]

Annibale Mottana (born 1940) is retired after having been Full Professor of Mineralogy in Bologna and Rome and, lately, of Georesources and Environmental Mineralogy at Roma Tre University. He directed the Mineralogy Museum of “La Sapienza” Rome University and the Department of Geological Sciences at Roma Tre University. As a researcher, he worked on geothermal and lamellar minerals, and on applications of synchrotron radiation to Mineralogy. He edited four technical books and published several popular books, including two on the history of Mineralogy.

He was President of the Stelvio National Park Consortium and of the National Institute for Mountain Research.

He is member of Lincei National Academy, of the Italian Science Academy and of other five academies and scientific institutions.



Code Course Title Start Date Finish date
Geo&Sci&Edu 8. Abstract on: Earth Science & Education [Prof. Mottana, Italy] 12. Oct 2017 12. Oct 2017