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4. Abstract on: History of Science & Science Teaching [Prof. Maurines, France]

Start Date:
11. October 2017, 13:45
Finish date:
11. October 2017, 14:45



The Scientific Knowledge and the Personal Qualities Necessary in a Scientist: Views of Scientific College Freshmen



Many challenges that the contemporary world must face require that each citizen become scientific-literate in order to act responsibly. Scientific literacy encompasses in particular an informed understanding of the nature of science (NoS). The epistemological dimension of science teaching has attracted the attention of many science educators and researchers, in particular in English-spoken countries but not only. Various categorizations of the features of scientific knowledge and process and referring to different approaches are encountered in science education research. I first present the multidimensional analysis grid we developed in order to characterize science as social practices and individuals acting as scientists. I then give some results of an enquiry conducted among more than six hundred college freshmen of the scientific and technological university Paris-Sud. I focus on questions about the personal qualities necessary in a scientist and the characteristics and specificities of scientific knowledge.

I conclude by putting into perspective the results obtained with the image of sciences conveyed by the French high school science syllabuses and by discussing some pedagogical implications.


Selected References

  • Allchin D (2013) Teaching the Nature of Science. Perspective and Resources. SHiPS Education Press
  • Désautels J, Larochelle M (1989) Qu’est-ce que le savoir scientifique? Points de vue d’adolescents et d’adolescentes. Ville de Québec. Les presses de l’université de Laval
  • Erduran S, Dagher ZR (2014) Reconceptualizing the Nature of Science for Science Education. Scientific knowledge, practices and other family categories. Dordrecht. Springer
  • Hodson D (2009) Teaching and Learning about Science. Language, Theories, Methods, History, Traditions and Values. Rotterdam. Sense Publishers
  • Matthews M-R. (2014) International Handbook of Research in History, Philosophy and Science Teaching. Dordrecht. Springer
  • Maurines L, Fuchs-Gallezot M, Ramage M-J (2017) Scientific college freshmen’s views of science and other practices: a gender issue? ESERA 2017 conference, Dublin
  • Maurines L, Fuchs-Gallezot M, Ramage M-J (2016a) Exploring scientific French college freshmen’s images of science: which positioning? In: Lavonen J, Juuti K, Lampiselkä J, Uitto A, Hahl K (Eds.). E-Book Proceedings of the ESERA 2015 Conference. Science Education Research: Engaging learners for a sustainable future. Part 6. Coedited by Izquierdo M, Vesterinen VM. Helsinki. Helsinki University Press, pp 884-895
  • Maurines L, Fuchs-Gallezot M, Ramage M-J (2016b) Images des pratiques scientifiques d’étudiants entrant en première année d'études scientifiques à l'université Paris-Sud. Actes des neuvièmes rencontres de l’ARDiST, Lens:    
  • Maurines L, Gallezot M, Ramage M-J, Beaufils D (2013) La nature des sciences dans les programmes de seconde de physique-chimie et de sciences de la vie et de la Terre. Revue de didactique des sciences et des technologies 7:19-52 [see also via:


