2. Abstract on: History and Epistemology of Physics at Summer School [Emeritus Prof. Radelet-de Grave, Belgium]
- Start Date:
- 11. October 2017, 09:45
- Finish date:
- 11. October 2017, 10:45
- Code:
- Hist&Epi&Phy
- Price:
- Free
- Location:
- École Dotorale
From Symmetry to Invariance, a Long Term History
Apart from original documents, principally designs taken from the Arabic art, but also some text of Jacob Bernoulli published in 1691, the talk will be based on a book by Andreas Speiser, Die Theorie der Gruppen von endlicher Ordnung, 1923 (1956) and on the book of Hermann Weyl, Symmetry (1952). Its aim will be to trace roughly the path going from the simple idea of symmetry to invariance in physics and principally to gauge invariance introduced by Weyl.
- Bernoulli J (1691) Specimen alterum Calculi differentialis in dimetienda Spirali Logarithmica, Loxodromiis Nautarum, & Areis Triangulorum Sphaericorum: una cum Additamento quodam ad Problema Funicularium, aliisque. Opera 1744:442-453
- Radelet-de Grave P (forthcoming) Arts and mathematics: two ways to the same truth. In: Lelli G (Ed). The Arab-Islamic Sciences in the Classical Era (9th-14th cent.) Comparative Perspectives in the History and the Philosophy of Science, in press
- Radelet-de Grave P (forthcoming) The prehistory of the principle of relativity. In: Lelli G (Ed). The Arab-Islamic Sciences in the Classical Era (9th-14th cent.) Comparative Perspectives in the History and the Philosophy of Science, in press
- Speiser A (1956) Die Theorie der Gruppen von endlicher Ordnung. Springer, Basel
- Weyl H (1919) Eine neue Erweiterung der Relativitaí tstheorie, Ann. der Physik 59: 101-133
- Weyl H (1928) Gruppentheorie und Quantenmechanik. Hirzel, Leipzig
- Weyl H (1929) Elektron und Gravitation. Zeit. für Physik 56:330-352
- Weyl H (1952) Symmetry, Princeton. NJ, Princeton University Press